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Day 49-53 or CIAO ITALIA - Scotland to Sicily 2016Scotland to Sicily 2016

Scotland to Sicily 2016

Finally we entered Italy for last time. As first we visited small village located close to the seacoast but more in the rural area. Dolceaqua is a village known for its ancient castle dated to 11th century. The village and the castle has been destroyed by massive earthquake in 1887. This was the reason why we went there. Then our steps led to Sanremo. Close to there we camped in Ecocamp in beautiful rural area 1km from the beach. It was perfect break under the olives trees. Imperia, provincia of Italy is well known for olives trees and production of olive oil. One evening after having a day on the beach we went to see Sanremo. Town with the centre full of shops and modern life. Close to Sanremo we visited another village effected by the same earthquake in 1887, Bussana Vecchia streets of which are full of artist selling their art from little shops on the “high street”. These villages are partly abbandoned but the life is still there. Then we moved around Genoa to the the mountains again to cool down a bit. Our next steps go by Parma ham, mushroom and Parmesan routes. To be continued in next post…

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