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Day 3-5 alias Lake District exploring - Scotland to Sicily 2016Scotland to Sicily 2016

Scotland to Sicily 2016

We moved from Stirling, Scotland through Carlisle, Scottish borders to Cumbria, County of National Park Lake District. We stopped for lunch in Keswick, ordered local cumberland sausages with mash potatoes and gravy. We spent 2 night at Scotgate campsite near Braithwaite from where we crossed 4 mountain passes ( Whinlatter Pass, Hardknott Pass, Wrynose Pass and Kirkstone Pass). It was truely biker’s heaven! Really recommend to go there. From English Heritage sites we visited Broagham castle and Castlerigg Stone Circle.

Last day in Cumbria we rode through local villages on narrow roads where we found Stott Park Bobbin Mill which produced from 1835 till 1971 millions of bobbins.

Now we are waiting for ferry to the Isle of Man where we will spend 3 days. So be patient for next post.

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